Monday 9 April 2012

Hospital and Waiting for my appointment

Well its been a crazy few weeks people, all started on the 27th Feb when i went to see Mo aloul, my transplant co ordinator. Id been preparing myself for weeks, counting down the days. Mixed emotions really, fear being the main one. I cant express how sad i was, knowing i was goin back there after managing to b off the list for 5years (was listed 6years ago,and was listed  for just over a year). Done pretty well to b off it so long though.I went there with mum and sister.
How things have changed in 5 years. This time Mo would b seeing me in a wheelchair,no make up and wearin oxygen.God i bet he got a bloody fright!!! Rewind 5years,i bounced into that room like i owned it!
Things were discussed , lung function , medication etc and it was decided that while i was in hospital (tryin an niv) i would have my transplant evaluation.
So in i went,to b prodded poked and messed with. Lots of things went on, including xrays,scans and blood tests.And thee award for the most shameful would probably b gettin my little baps out for a heart scan!oh the joys! I also started some antibiotics while i was in there, 3 times a day,which really tired me out, that and lack of sleep! Never sleep well in hospital....just not the same as home is it :(. Anyway, after a week,my fave doc ever Rowland let me home for afew days while i had a break.While i was out i managed to get plenty of rest and get my hair done cos my roots were getting beyond a joke haha. Back in i went for another week then finally finished everythin on the 14th march aaaaah. I was sent home with a welcome pack on lung transplants and lots of things to sign,for example, a sheet of paper discussing were my donor lungs may come from (age of donor,type of death), GRIM!!!
Since ive been home ive been seein my friends and keepin busy wen my body allows it. Probably pushing myself too much sometimes,but hey ho! Had a very busy week wen the sun was shining,loved it!
So thats it really, im now waiting for another appointment to see the co ordinator ,and should b listed that day if all my results are thru.
Keep u all informed x :):) x


  1. I'm so happy for you! You will love having new lungs. I wouldn't change a single thing about my journey. You have so much life left to live!!! God Bless You and if you ever have any questions or just want to talk..I'm here.
